December 2020 - Newsletter #3
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Canada Bans Mass Exports of Prescription Drugs
The Canadian government just issued an order that bans the mass export of prescription drugs. As reported by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the ban will affect drugs that are shorted or may become shorted in Canada.
We have repeatedly advised customers about export bans on pharmaceuticals from countries as the Covid-19 pandemic has led to shortages of prescription drugs worldwide. Just one of the recent export bans that we recently advised customers about is from the UK, a country we source medications from.
While Canada’s freshly announced export ban applies to bulk exports and not orders for personal use sent abroad to consumers like you, it nonetheless underscores the challenges in securing inventories during a time when drug shortages are such a significant concern.
… "the supply chain will be extremely vulnerable in the upcoming months of the pandemic" while the American Medical Association has declared it … "a matter of national security".
Drug suppliers surveyed in a recent white paper advise that, "the supply chain will be extremely vulnerable in the upcoming months of the pandemic" while the American Medical Association has declared it an urgent public health crisis and "a matter of national security". Reports of shortages are being issued all over the world - from the United States, Canada, UK, South Africa to New Zealand and beyond - as the prices of raw materials for pharmaceuticals have been skyrocketing, foreshadowing an increase in drug prices.
But our newsletters have been providing you all this information one step ahead of the media throughout the pandemic.
Help Us Keep You Ahead of Drug Shortages and Price Increases
So please help us help you to get ahead of drug shortages and price increases as the next wave of the pandemic spreads while export bans, logistics disruptions and lockdowns are expected to exacerbate challenges in acquiring inventories in the near future. The best thing you can do to help secure inventory for your medications at the current prices is to order well in advance. This gives us more time, if necessary, to procure what might be difficult to source inventory and get it shipped to you well before you are going to run out of your supply at home. We encourage customers who may need medications in the coming months to place their orders now.
With more than 375,000 customer reviews, is the most reviewed and independently five-star rated online pharmacy in the world providing lower cost medications from abroad to customers worldwide. Nobody offering safe and affordable pharmaceuticals from abroad can match our supply and delivery capacity during this difficult time so please be assured we continue to successfully deliver orders to customers as we have done since the beginning of the pandemic.

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- World's most reviewed & independently five-star rated online pharmacy with a stellar TrustScore
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