December 2020 - Newsletter #9
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Beware of Counterfeit Drugs this Christmas
Lately, our newsletter has been warning customers about worldwide drug shortages due to the pandemic, which could affect their access to medicines. We have done so with a view to ensuring our customers get their vital medications on time and in advance of any shortages.
"New industry research reveals 75 percent of pharma supply chain leaders believe the COVID-19 will greatly increase problems with drug diversion, including theft and counterfeiting of critical products (such as test kits, vaccines and anti-viral medicines). The report found that COVID-19 has also caused significant challenges with drug shortages and increased production costs." That's according to a recent article in the European Pharmaceutical Review.
… the United States Customs and Border Protection just seized more than a million counterfeit pills entering the country.
It dovetails with an announcement last week that the United States Customs and Border Protection just seized more than a million counterfeit pills entering the country.
Drug shortages, export bans and the higher costs of producing authentic drugs as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic mean it is more difficult and more expensive to acquire authentic pharmaceuticals. It also means the incentives for criminals to counterfeit and sell drug products are higher and so too are the risks to the public. We first warned that Covid-19 was fueling a surge of counterfeit drug products soon after the pandemic first began.
Timely Delivery is Incredibly Important, but Your Safety is Paramount
We are acutely aware that timely delivery of your vital prescription medications is of critical importance. But drug authenticity is a paramount concern to us and we know it is to you too. implements a number of safety procedures and supplier vetting protocols and has successfully supplied millions of prescription and non-prescription products to consumers for more than a decade. When it comes to our suppliers, we review among other things, proper fulfillment procedures, government approvals and product pedigree. It may surprise customers to know that the number of suppliers through which we procure products is necessarily small and our vetting criteria means we have not approved any new supplier applications for several years, including any of the numerous pharmaceutical suppliers that have approached us to sell us products which have been difficult to source since the pandemic began. It is very important to maintain a small list of approved suppliers that are well-established pharmaceutical procurement specialists who are keenly aware of their local markets and who have robust supply capabilities. We only affiliate with suppliers that meet the Canadian International Pharmacy Association's stringent safety protocols.
At times during the pandemic, this could mean that orders take a bit longer to be delivered than we or you would like but please be assured that puts safety above expediency.
Stay Away of Counterfeit Drugs and Get Ahead of Drug Shortages and Price Increases
The easiest way to avoid counterfeit pharmaceuticals is to buy from a trusted source, like Then, stay ahead of drug shortages and price increases as the next wave of the pandemic spreads while export bans, logistics disruptions and lockdowns are exacerbating challenges in acquiring inventories. The best thing you can do to help secure inventory for your medications at the current prices is to order well in advance. This gives us more time, if necessary, to procure what might be difficult to source inventory and get it shipped to you well before you are going to run out of your supply at home. We encourage customers who may need medications in the coming months to place their orders now.
With more than 375,000 customer reviews, is the most reviewed and independently five-star rated online pharmacy in the world providing lower cost medications from abroad to customers worldwide. Nobody offering safe and affordable pharmaceuticals from abroad can match our supply and delivery capacity during this difficult time so please be assured we continue to successfully deliver orders to customers as we have done since the beginning of the pandemic.

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