August 2022 - Newsletter #1
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Help Us Help You as Drug Shortages Multiply
Our Dr. Byrnna Connor discussed how to prevent and treat osteoporosis, immunity-boosting superfoods and whether sunscreen really helps prevent cancer in her latest articles.
Please help stop the DRUGS Act which is designed to stop you from ordering lower cost prescription drugs from certified online pharmacies.
Whether it is the UK where there are warnings that millions could be left without vital medications, drug shortages in Latin America, “dire” shortages of basic medicines in the land down under, or Americans traveling to Canada to get their medications even though Canada itself is facing serious drug shortages, one thing is clear: drug shortages are at the highest levels we’ve observed in our long history of sourcing medications globally.
Please don’t ignore this newsletter.
Please don’t ignore this newsletter. Help us help you get the medications you need in a timely fashion.
We’re Proactive About Securing Inventories But Please Be Sure to Order in Advance customers have a distinct advantage during times of drug shortages because we have been sourcing products from our approved supply network, which spans several countries, for more than a decade. That way, if there is a shortage in one region for a medication you need, we are often able to quickly shift to one or more of our approved suppliers in other regions to procure your vital prescription drugs and get them on their way to you.
… we also ask our customers to help by ordering in advance.
Nevertheless, with the knowledge you get from our newsletters and elsewhere about widespread and worldwide drug shortages nowadays, it is important to plan ahead to help minimize the risk that you will run out of your vital medications. We remain vigilant and persistent in securing prescription drug supplies because things can and do change very quickly in prescription drug supply chains but we also ask our customers to help by ordering in advance. This gives us more time to procure what might be difficult to source inventory and get it shipped to you well before you are going to run out of your supply at home.
With more than 400,000 customer reviews, is the most reviewed and independently five-star rated online pharmacy in the world providing lower cost medications from abroad to customers worldwide. Nobody offering safe and affordable pharmaceuticals from abroad can match our supply and delivery capacity.

More than 3 million prescriptions filled; here's why:
- World's most reviewed & independently five-star rated online pharmacy with a stellar TrustScore
- Watch our movie, meet our patients & ask the doctor
- Certified by CIPA and IPABC
- Independently backed by the Norton Shopping Guarantee and verified by Trust Guard
- Lowest Price and Satisfaction Guarantee