January 2021 - Newsletter #6
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Prescription Drug Price Increases at a "Torrid Pace" Are Getting Attention
Fortune magazine's recent article, "It's the New Year and pharma companies are already hiking prices for popular drugs", validates the numerous alerts we sent that warned about impending drug price increases.
… "[w]ith most Americans focused on COVID-19 vaccines, pharmaceutical companies are quietly raising the list prices of name-brand prescription drugs at a torrid pace."
In fact, numerous media outlets are now reporting these prescription drug price increases by Big Pharma in the United States. Just last week, the USA Today advised, '[w]ith most Americans focused on COVID-19 vaccines, pharmaceutical companies are quietly raising the list prices of name-brand prescription drugs at a torrid pace.'
… "three in 10 [Americans] say they haven't taken their medicine as prescribed due to costs, including many who skip doses or cut their pills in half" …
Fortune magazine notes that Big Pharma has “nearly carte blanche on how to price their medicines, no matter how long ago they were created. The industry takes full advantage by hiking prices year after year, and 2021 is no different.” This is especially concerning when, according to the USA Today, "three in 10 [Americans] say they haven't taken their medicine as prescribed due to costs, including many who skip doses or cut their pills in half."
… "it appears prices are up more this year than in years past."
This year could prove to be a year of exceptionally high drug price increases in the United States as Antonio Ciaccia, the CEO of the not-for-profit drug price research firm 46Brooklyn, tells Dayton 24/7 Now news that, "it appears prices are up more this year than in years past."
Skyrocketing price increases in the United States in 2021 "will drive increased prescription importation" by American consumers, according to the non-profit Campaign for Personal Prescription Importation. And as we have already reported in our newsletter, governments too are finally following the lead of consumers and have started importing prescription drugs.
Imported drug prices are expected to rise …
While accredited international online pharmacy merchants, like NorthWestPharmacy.com, are expected to remain vastly more competitively priced on a wide array of pharmaceuticals, international pharmacies are also facing pricing pressures. Imported drug prices are expected to rise due to the weakness in the U.S. dollar. This is compounded by a jump in the cost of raw materials for producing drugs as operational and transportation costs of drug makers also soar. All of this is further complicated by the pandemic-related U.S. and international drug shortages as well as the export bans we have previously advised customers about in our newsletters.
Get Ahead of Price Increases, Drug Shortages and Export Bans
Get ahead of further drug price increases and drug shortages as the next wave of the pandemic spreads while export bans, logistics disruptions and lockdowns exacerbate challenges in acquiring inventories worldwide. The best thing you can do to help secure inventory for your medications at the current prices is to order well in advance. This gives us more time, if necessary, to procure what might be difficult to source inventory and get it shipped to you well before you are going to run out of your supply at home. We encourage customers who may need medications in the coming months to place their orders now.
With more than 375,000 customer reviews, NorthWestPharmacy.com is the most reviewed and independently five-star rated online pharmacy in the world providing lower cost medications from abroad to customers worldwide. Nobody offering safe and affordable pharmaceuticals from abroad can match our supply and delivery capacity during this difficult time so please be assured we continue to successfully deliver orders to customers as we have done since the beginning of the pandemic.

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