January 2021 - Newsletter #7
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This is Critical Information About Delivery Times During the Worst Surge of the Coronavirus Pandemic
Approximately one-quarter of customers who ordered in the previous three months experienced extended delivery times. We are as frustrated as they are and we sincerely apologize, but if you read on you will get a better understanding that we are doing everything we can to have outstanding orders delivered as quickly as possible and those orders are being delivered successfully. These extended delivery times are something we forecasted and repeatedly advised customers about in our newsletter starting in August and through September when we urged customers to place their orders well in advance of the holiday season and the impending delivery delays that numerous postal systems warned about. Customers who ordered soon after those newsletters were issued typically avoided the predicted extended delivery times that occurred thereafter.
Approximately one-quarter of orders shipped in October, November and December 2020 have taken or are taking in excess of seven weeks for delivery with the rare ones taking as long as an incredibly frustrating 11 weeks with postal systems scanning some of them in a haphazard manner, making the tracking less informative. Fortunately, the majority of orders took and are currently taking two to five weeks to arrive.
What's Causing the Longer Delivery Times?
For orders shipped from October through December, the key reasons for extended delivery times include, a further reduction of passenger flights -- on which parcels are transported to their destination -- which was and is compounded by massive package volumes entering the United States during the holiday season (and beyond) and related customs clearance delays, as well as capacity challenges faced by USPS in the throes of the recent surge of the pandemic. We observe that it is taking USPS significantly longer to complete last mile deliveries to many destinations after packages have cleared customs.
While we have all had enough of this pandemic, we remain mindful that we are in the midst of its worst surge of infections in many countries and with new variants that are resulting in more travel bans and flight reductions internationally which makes it even more challenging to get orders delivered faster. As but one example, a significant number of our orders are dispensed and shipped from the United Kingdom. But many flights to and from the UK have been canceled due to the spread of the new UK coronavirus variant, the resulting travel bans to and from the UK and the UK's current national lockdown.
What We Are Doing to Help Reduce Delivery Times
Secure Cargo Space and Find New Routes
Flight paths everywhere continue to be disrupted when passenger flights get canceled. Despite all this, our team is securing every little bit of the limited air cargo space we can and is getting orders on their way to customers, including orders shipped from the UK. Despite the higher product acquisition costs we've absorbed in dispensing from certain dispensing facilities, we keep routing as many orders as we reasonably can to dispensing facilities that provide the least number of flight connections required to get to your destination. This helps minimize the delays parcels would otherwise face at transit hubs in queues to onboard to the next flight which often gets canceled.
… we have implemented new logistics streams that we expect will reduce delivery times on approximately 40% of all orders.
And we are testing new and potentially faster flight paths for delivery as flight schedules and paths evolve rapidly with every new lockdown then lifting of restrictions with each increase and decrease of infections in any particular region of the world from where we source and ship products through. Already in January 2021, we have implemented new logistics streams that we expect will reduce delivery times on approximately 40% of all orders.
(For those customers who query why we don't just send orders via couriers like Fedex or UPS, the answer to that is here.)
Around-the-Clock Procurement to Secure Prescription Drug Inventory
In the midst of international drug shortages, our procurement team has been working around-the-clock, dealing with our trusted suppliers in multiple time zones around the world in arranging to have stocks on hand to fill orders, including stocks of very difficult to procure products. Our team has been and continues to be very successful in its efforts, which helps ensure that as many orders as possible go out without having to wait for inventory to arrive.
As an unscrupulous trade in counterfeit drugs grows in the face of the worldwide drug shortages, we continue to protect your safety with our stringent procurement protocols for supplying authentic products. NorthWestPharmacy.com will not sacrifice safety for expediency, even if it means a faster delivery time.
Transparency and Regular Communication with Customers
We regularly update the disclosures on our website to inform customers of the potential delivery times and the reasons for them on the order checkout screens. We make similar changes in the call center disclosures provided when customers order over the phone or call in with questions about delivery. We obtain the consent of customers to the potential extended delivery time before taking orders from them so that they know what to expect. We follow up these disclosures with emails confirming the same and we also send regular newsletters to customers with additional information and updates.
Good news or bad, you'll get a forthright account of the situation from us.
Please be assured that NorthWestPharmacy.com is committed to providing you with open, transparent and detailed communications at all times, and especially during the most difficult of times. Good news or bad, you'll get a forthright account of the situation from us.
The truth is, we are doing everything in our power to get customer orders delivered as fast as possible. But we do not have control over governments, airlines, postal systems or when this pandemic will come to an end. To the customers who have experienced the unfortunate delays and resulting frustration that have come with the pandemic, please know that our team members share your frustration because all we want is to get you safe and affordable drugs as fast as can be. But there is some good news …
Here is the Good News
The vast majority of orders are currently being delivered within two to five weeks of shipping. We know this is longer than the good old pre-Covid days, but we are adjusted to the reality that this is considered to be very good in the current circumstances. Those orders experiencing extended delivery times and haphazard tracking scans are in fact being delivered and we guarantee you will receive your order or we will re-ship it or give you your money back.
In short, inventory is coming in, orders are going out and they are getting delivered.
We have also been very successful in procuring inventory despite drug shortages, pharmaceutical export bans, lockdowns and logistics disruptions.
In short, inventory is coming in, orders are going out and they are getting delivered.
So Many Reasons to Order Well in Advance
For reasons we have previously explained, the following is not a marketing pitch.
Please stay ahead of delivery slowdowns, drug shortages and drug price increases as the next wave of the pandemic spreads while export bans, logistics disruptions and lockdowns exacerbate the various challenges discussed above. The best thing you can do to help secure timely delivery of your medications at the current prices is to order well in advance. This gives us and delivery systems more time, if necessary, to get your order to you well before you are going to run out of your supply at home. We encourage customers who may need medications in the coming months to place their orders now.
With more than 375,000 customer reviews, NorthWestPharmacy.com is the most reviewed and independently five-star rated online pharmacy in the world providing lower cost medications from abroad to customers worldwide. Nobody offering safe and affordable pharmaceuticals from abroad can match our supply and delivery capacity during this difficult time so please be assured we continue to successfully deliver orders to customers as we have done since the beginning of the pandemic.

More than 3 million prescriptions filled; here's why:
- World's most reviewed & independently five-star rated online pharmacy with a stellar TrustScore
- Watch our movie, meet our patients & ask the doctor
- Certified by CIPA and IPABC
- Independently backed by the Norton Shopping Guarantee and verified by Trust Guard
- Lowest Price and Satisfaction Guarantee