January 2022 - Newsletter #3
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Big Pharma’s DRUGS Act will eliminate your access to affordable drugs from licensed Canadian and international pharmacies, including NorthWestPharmacy.com. Take 90 seconds with this tool that will automatically send your objection to your Senator and member of Congress and stop this terrible law from being passed. Please do so right here!
We reported details last week about a dystopian -- creepy, really -- new bill, called the DRUGS Act, introduced into the US Senate and Congress that will censor and remove from the internet highly credentialed non-US online pharmacies, like NorthWestPharmacy.com, that only provide non-narcotic and non-controlled affordable prescription drugs to Americans who have a physician’s prescription.
If this bill passes, the medications and savings that you get through us will no longer be accessible online to you and millions of other Americans.
If this bill passes, the medications and savings that you get through us will no longer be accessible online to you and millions of other Americans.
Various Senators, members of Congress and their Big Pharma supporters who are peddling this bill, are doing so under the pretense that it’s purpose is to stop sales of dangerous opiods, like fentanyl, online.
Not so, warns the Campaign for Prescription Importation (CPPI), a US-based nonprofit patient advocacy organization that fights for Americans’ access to safe, affordable prescription medications from Canada and which is fighting this bill. “The DRUGS Act fails to even mention the words opioids or fentanyl. Instead, the bill targets ‘non-domestic’ pharmacies - pharmacies that millions of Americans depend on for safe and affordable drugs. Safe, licensed international pharmacies require valid prescriptions and don’t sell controlled substances. In truth, the special interest groups backing the DRUGS Act have made a habit of shamelessly using the opioid crisis to attack prescription importation from international pharmacies where Americans have been saving 50 to 90 percent on the same medicines,” explains Jack Pfeiffer, Executive Director of the CPPI.
The “DRUGS Act would rob millions of Americans of the daily prescription medications they need to live, yet often cannot afford due to skyrocketing drug prices,”
The “DRUGS Act would rob millions of Americans of the daily prescription medications they need to live, yet often cannot afford due to skyrocketing drug prices,” says Mr. Pfeiffer. He shares the insight that “nearly every endorser of the DRUGS Act is a Big Pharma front group. What is most appalling - at least one endorser of the DRUGS Act, a bill purported to stop the scourge of opioids, took $1 million from Purdue Pharma and even honored an executive with an award for her work at the company that makes OxyContin.”
Mr. Pfeiffer reveals that “these groups are funded and/or led by board members that include PhRMA - the pharmaceutical industry’s chief lobbying arm - and pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer, Amgen, Gilead, Eli Lilly, Merck, and Takeda and many others.”
The DRUGS Act has just been introduced and the CPPI’s opposition is also starting to hit the airwaves and press:
- Grand Forks Herald - Letter: Klobuchar flip-flops on affordable meds December 28, 2021
- KNSI 99.3FM Radio Interviews CPPI on Klobuchar’s DRUGS Act Impacts on Elderly December 21, 2021
- Rubio Bill to Rob Florida and Nation’s Elderly of Critical Daily Meds December 15, 2021
But only you and other voters in the US can stop the terrible DRUGS Act from becoming law …
But only you and other voters in the US can stop the terrible DRUGS Act from becoming law by communicating your opposition to your Senator and member of Congress. In less than 90 seconds of your time you can tell your elected representatives NO DRUGS ACT using this simple tool on the CPPI website that will automatically write a letter for you and send it to your Senator and member of Congress.
If you want to protect your right to access safe and affordable medicines from licensed international online pharmacy websites like ours, please stand up and object to the DRUGS Act. Tell your elected representatives to stop Big Pharma’s plan to take away your affordable medications and demand they vote against this bill. Please, take a brief moment to enter your details to send the letter right here.
Thank you for your continued support and the trust you place in us. We want to keep providing you with safe and affordable medications.
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