July 2021 - Newsletter #3
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Rx Price Watch Report: Americans Pay Triple to Quadruple for Prescription Drugs
Did you see our Dr. Brynna Connor on how to treat skin conditions?
Please forward our new digital booklet to your friends and family who may want to save money on their prescription drugs. A larger customer base grows our volume buying power and reduces our cost of overhead per customer to help keep costs lower for everyone. We sincerely appreciate your continued support!
A recently released Prescription Price Watch Report reveals that Americans pay three to four times what people in other countries pay for brand-name prescription drugs and a recent survey by the AARP says that 87% of voters age 50 and over want lawmakers to take action to reduce drug prices.
The AARP notes that, “[t]he main reason people don't fill a prescription they need is the cost.” A recent Op-Ed from a physician in Pennsylvania titled, “My patients deserve to know why drug costs keep going up”, underscores the dire consequences to patients who have to forgo vital medicines due to their exorbitant cost.
Yet, prescription drug prices rose at more than double the rate of inflation in 2020 and continue to climb this year in the USA. While international and Canadian online pharmacies, like NorthWestPharmacy.com, remain vastly more price competitive, they too are facing significant pricing pressures. Internationally, the cost of producing, acquiring and delivering prescription drugs to consumers has increased since the coronavirus pandemic due to several factors including, skyrocketing freight rates, eye-popping raw materials costs and U.S. dollar weakness.
This Isn't Marketing; It is Important Information
Some customers may think the information we provide in our newsletters about the factors affecting the prices of prescription drugs is marketing information designed to stimulate sales. As skeptical consumers ourselves, we can appreciate why people might be inclined to believe this.
But that is not the case at all. Most of our business comes from orders for long-term prescription maintenance medicines which are typically ordered on a regular schedule by our customers. We have not convinced customers to buy these drugs; their physicians have. Sooner or later, most will come back to order their refills so long as we continue to provide the savings, safety and service our customers deserve and have come to expect from us. Whether a customer orders now or waits a little while does not really impact our sales.
… we tend to report factors affecting prescription drug pricing, supply and delivery logistics before the media does because our direct experience often means we are the first to know.
Our notices about the various factors affecting the prices, supply and delivery of prescription drugs worldwide are for the benefit of customers so they can plan ahead. We send this newsletter today because we do not want our customers to be in a position where the cost of their medication is higher than it is today and we believe it is our duty to diligently inform customers of the risk of this happening.
The information we provide comes from our extensive direct experience in procuring prescription drugs internationally. We keep an eye on the media to see if they are reporting matters that validate our direct experience and we provide those articles to you as links. Those who regularly follow our newsletters since the pandemic began can attest that we tend to report factors affecting prescription drug pricing, supply and delivery logistics before the media does because our direct experience often means we are the first to know.
Please Stay Ahead of Drug Price Increases
The best thing you can do to help secure inventory for your medications at the current prices is to order well in advance. This gives us more time, if necessary, to procure what might be difficult to source inventory and get it shipped to you well before you are going to run out of your supply at home and before there are any increases in the price. We encourage customers who may need medications in the coming months to place their orders now and take advantage of the recent good news about delivery times.
With more than 400,000 customer reviews, NorthWestPharmacy.com is the most reviewed and independently five-star rated online pharmacy in the world providing lower cost medications from abroad to customers worldwide. Nobody offering safe and affordable pharmaceuticals from abroad can match our supply and delivery capacity during this difficult time so please be assured we continue to successfully deliver orders to customers, just as we have done since the beginning of the pandemic.

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- World's most reviewed & independently five-star rated online pharmacy with a stellar TrustScore
- Watch our movie, meet our patients & ask the doctor
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