June 2020 - Newsletter #4
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Out of Stock Pharmaceuticals At an All Time High
See our recent newsletters about delivery times, the significant milestone NorthWestPharmacy.com reached, which state has become the least health insured as a result of the epic job losses and what all we are doing to help mitigate the impact of the coronavirus crisis on our customers.
NorthWestPharmacy.com reports a continued increase in the broad range of pharmaceutical products going out of stock. This phenomenon is not unique to NorthWestPharmacy.com. It is being experienced by distributors worldwide, including in the United States. Some products have estimated delivery dates but most of the products with an "out of stock" status are reported by our suppliers to have no estimated re-stock date, which is very unusual under normal circumstances. This is very concerning because we've never seen so many products out of stock in the history of our business and the list continues to grow. Even the commonly prescribed anti-depressant Zoloft is unavailable in many parts of the world.
But increasingly, products are shorted with no ETA in every region we are sourcing from and that is concerning because it means we cannot currently supply such products at all.
One of our strengths is that we source pharmaceuticals through our network of licensed, vetted and trusted suppliers in multiple locations across the globe. This has meant that we have been able to procure various hard to source products our customers have needed throughout the coronavirus crisis when others could not. If one region had a short, we turned to other regions and secured supply despite the often higher costs, which we have absorbed most of. But increasingly, products are shorted with no ETA in every region we are sourcing from and that is concerning because it means we cannot currently supply such products at all.
As a result, we've implemented a program to keep orders for items that are out of stock in a queue and then contact customers as soon as their ordered item is available.
… skyrocketing Covid-19 infections in countries like India … could mean even more out of stock products for longer periods of time.
We've previously reported in detail why these drug shortages are occurring and these reasons include an increased demand from consumers during the coronavirus crisis, the disruption in the production of the raw materials in China that are needed to make prescription drugs and the assembly of components into finished dosage forms in India. Collectively, these two countries represent the vast majority of the pharmaceutical production capacity for prescription drugs sold worldwide, including in the United States. The recent skyrocketing Covid-19 infections in countries like India risk further slowdowns in drug manufacturing which could mean even more out of stock products for longer periods of time.
The good news is that NorthWestPharmacy.com has been successfully taking, processing and delivering affordable prescription drugs throughout the entire coronavirus crisis and continues to. So, we do not wish to appear alarmist in highlighting concerns about the supply of prescription drugs in the coming months but we do directly experience the frustration of those who cannot get their vital prescription drugs when there are so many disruptions in the drug supply chain due to the coronavirus crisis. We do not want our customers to be in a position where procurement of inventory and delivery logistics could be more negatively impacted than they already are today and we believe it is our duty to diligently advise customers.
Given all this, we encourage customers who may need medications in the coming months to place their orders now and those whose pending orders await shipping to keep their orders active and in the queue, which ensures they are locked in at the original price quoted at the time of placing the order. That's beneficial to you because we've absorbed most of the coronavirus-related increases in product acquisition costs that we've faced to date but may be unable to do so for much longer. Also, the limited pharmaceutical supply, available cargo space for transport and customs clearances will all be allocated to customers on a first-come-first-served basis and it may be quite some time before worldwide drug supply and delivery systems return to normal.
With more than 375,000 customer reviews, NorthWestPharmacy.com is the most reviewed and independently five-star rated online pharmacy in the world providing lower cost medications from abroad to customers worldwide. No competitor offering lower cost pharmaceuticals from abroad can match our supply and delivery capacity during this difficult time so please be assured we are leveraging all our capacity to ensure orders reach customers as fast as possible in the circumstances.

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