June 2021 - Newsletter #4
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Fake Drugs & Fake Reviews Across the Internet
Did you get our latest update about delivery times? Don’t forget to fill up on our Dr. Brynna Connor’s essential superfoods for diabetics and pre-diabetics.
Please forward our new digital booklet to your friends and family who may want to save money on their prescription drugs. A larger customer base grows our volume buying power and reduces our cost of overhead per customer to help keep costs lower for everyone. We sincerely appreciate your continued support!
Like the physical world, the online world has its share of fraudsters, fakes and biased actors. It is no different when it comes to online pharmacies.
Interpol recently reported that they seized millions of dollars of “fake medicines and devices” after targeting websites and online marketplaces in a huge sting operation. As we have previously reported, counterfeit drugs are a serious problem that can be avoided by ensuring consumers only buy prescription drugs from an accredited and certified online pharmacy.
It is not just the drugs that are fake. Fake reviews online are a global problem too. Nearly 40% of business in the United Kingdom report being affected by fake reviews. Meanwhile, there is a whole fake review industry that is gaming the Amazon marketplace and an organized fake reviews scam on Amazon was recently exposed. Even a black market in Google reviews means you can’t believe everything you read. Consumer protection regulators are looking into whether companies like Amazon and Google are doing enough to stop these fake reviews.
Things are further complicated in the online pharmacy space where special interest groups are funded by Big Pharma and chain drugstores to scare the public into believing that that buying drugs online is only safe if the online pharmacy is in the United States. While such fearmongering defies the peer-reviewed research that demonstrates this to be false and denies the obvious fact that people safely acquire prescription drugs in other countries around the world, it may persuade some to pay these special interests exorbitantly more for what are effectively the same prescription drugs. Ironically, pharmacists working for big chain pharmacies -- that have opposed lower cost drug importation for purported “safety” reasons -- have said their own understaffed and chaotic workplaces are putting patient safety at risk.
We believe it is important for consumers to be able to accurately assess the legitimacy and service levels of the bricks and mortar or online pharmacy they plan to purchase from and that’s why NorthWestPharmacy.com deploys the Shopper Approved feedback form in its shopping cart. Shopper Approved is a leading third-party e-commerce ratings firm, and unlike most other review platforms you will find online, Shopper Approved only permits verified actual customers of a business to submit ratings and does not permit the business to alter the reviews for their own benefit.
It’s your money, and more importantly, it’s your health and safety on the line. You deserve the full transparency that comes with knowing what genuine customers have to say about the business you are going to buy prescription drugs from.
NorthWestPharmacy.com has now received more than 400,000 customer reviews and ratings through Shopper Approved! Your feedback has made NorthWestPharmacy.com the most reviewed and independently five-star rated online pharmacy in the world.
Your Chance to Win in Our Upcoming Giveaway Ends this Week!
Thank you for continuing to take the time to rate and review us when making your purchases, which has bestowed an honor upon us that is unrivalled by any other online pharmacy. We are incredibly grateful to our customers for this, your patronage, and the trust you place in us.
To celebrate, NorthWestPharmacy.com will be giving away hundreds of dollars in order credits to eight lucky customers. There are a couple of ways to win but time is running out.
One way is to simply place an order between May 31, 2021 and July 2, 2021 (the "Contest Period") and you will be automatically entered into the first draw.
First Draw - All NorthWestPharmacy.com customers who order during the Contest Period are eligible to win the following:
- Grand Prize: one $100 order credit from NorthWestPharmacy.com
- Second Prize: one $50 order credit from NorthWestPharmacy.com
- Third Prize: one of two $25 order credits from NorthWestPharmacy.com
If you don’t have an order to place at this time, just subscribe to our highly acclaimed digital health and wellness magazine, Health Perch. We will hold a second draw selecting exclusively from NorthWestPharmacy.com customers who are also Health Perch subscribers, regardless of when they placed their last order, for another Grand Prize, Second Prize and Third Prize that was given away in the first draw.
Lastly, here is a little tip. Customers who place an order during the Contest Period and who are also Health Perch subscribers double their chances of winning since they are entered into both draws! So, no matter what, be sure to subscribe to Health Perch if you have not already done so. Your Health Perch subscription is always free of charge.
The winners will be drawn on July 5, 2021 and notified by telephone. Order credits will be posted to the winning customers’ accounts and can be used like cash toward any future order at NorthWestPharmacy.com. Winning customers’ first names and first initials of their last names as well as their State of residence will be mentioned in a subsequent newsletter.

More than 3 million prescriptions filled; here's why:
- World's most reviewed & independently five-star rated online pharmacy with a stellar TrustScore
- Watch our movie, meet our patients & ask the doctor
- Certified by CIPA and IPABC
- Independently backed by the Norton Shopping Guarantee and verified by Trust Guard
- Lowest Price and Satisfaction Guarantee