March 2021 - Newsletter #6
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U.S. Prescription Drug Price Increases Cause Patient to Break Down
See our recent newsletter to get all the latest updates on things like delivery times, price increases, international prescription drug shortages and coupon codes. These updates help explain why it is important to order well in advance.
Psst! Did you hear what our Dr. Brynna Connor has to say about combating hearing loss due to aging?
The Philadelphia Inquirer recently published an article, "Prescription-drug prices keep rising in the pandemic. Yet public opinion of the pharma industry is soaring too", which discusses the plight of Americans who cannot afford their medications locally, the record-setting prescription drug price increases that we have previously reported on and that there has still been an "unprecedented rise in positive public opinion of the pharmaceutical industry." It’s worth reading.
The article features a personal story of a rheumatoid arthritis patient from Pennsylvania, Kierstyn Zolfo, whose fingers swell into sausages and knees become so stiff she can hardly walk. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports:
(The article did not mention what daily dose she takes so we are not able to report what amount of savings Ms. Zolfo might be able to obtain buying Xeljanz online from
10+ Years, Tens of Thousands of Real-Life Stories and One Movie
But over more than a decade, we at have heard tens of thousands of similar stories and helped hundreds of thousands of people get the prescription drugs they need -- affordably, safely and with the exceptional level of service you have come to expect from us. We even made a short movie of one such real life story.
While we always try to maintain a professional demeanor when hearing the excitement, surprise and near disbelief from a customer over the savings they are going to get and the difference it will make in their life, the truth is that it often gives us goose bumps and we feel honored that our customers have given us the opportunity to help.

We Request a Small Favor from You
As noted in the Philadelphia Inquirer article, "[p]rescription medications are among the largest ongoing medical costs in many households -- a financial burden made all the more difficult for the many people who have lost job-based insurance or experienced a drop in their income due to the pandemic."
With this in mind, we have a request to make. If you know someone struggling with prescription drug costs or who might just want to save some money, please refer them to us. Please ask them to call us toll-free, share our new digital booklet with them, the link to our movie or our Canadian pharmacy reviews page. We sincerely appreciate your support and referrals.
With more than 375,000 customer reviews, is the most reviewed and independently five-star rated online pharmacy in the world providing lower cost medications from abroad to customers worldwide. Nobody offering safe and affordable pharmaceuticals from abroad can match our supply and delivery capacity during this difficult time so please be assured we continue to successfully deliver orders to customers as we have done since the beginning of the pandemic.

More than 3 million prescriptions filled; here's why:
- World's most reviewed & independently five-star rated online pharmacy with a stellar TrustScore
- Watch our movie, meet our patients & ask the doctor
- Certified by CIPA and IPABC
- Independently backed by the Norton Shopping Guarantee and verified by Trust Guard
- Lowest Price and Satisfaction Guarantee