October 2020 - Newsletter #6
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U.S. Cancer Patient's Plight Highlights Drug Shortage Concern
A recent news story from South Carolina titled, "Drug shortage impacts Summerville woman's breast cancer treatment", personalizes the concern about drug shortages that NorthWestPharmacy.com continues to report on in our newsletters.
Emily Hooper is the lady featured in the news story from Summerville, South Carolina, who is diagnosed with breast cancer. Her treatment involves receiving Lupron injections to help keep the cancer at bay but these were unavailable due to a drug shortage.
… "'I think more should be done to figure out why this is happening in the United States because it is there and you just don't hear about it'".
Ms. Hooper contacted NBC affiliate News 2 in an effort to raise awareness about drug shortages and says, "'I think more should be done to figure out why this is happening in the United States because it is there and you just don't hear about it'".
We have also been doing our part to raise that awareness. Our last newsletter is representative of several that explain that drug shortages are a concern in several regions worldwide, including the United States, since the coronavirus pandemic began. These drug shortages are not just for cancer medications. There have been prescription drug shortages, 'across the board' during the pandemic.
Your Advantage During Times of Drug Shortages
So many people have learned they have a distinct advantage during times of drug shortages through NorthWestPharmacy.com by virtue of our sourcing of products from our trusted, vetted and licensed supply network for more than a decade. When customers could not acquire their vital medicines locally or anywhere else in many instances throughout the pandemic, we have been able to quickly source them and at lower prices from one or more of our approved suppliers and get them on their way to the customers. In fact, we have available the drug referenced in the news story in all strengths of the brand.
Despite our robust sourcing capabilities, however, there have been prescription drugs that were out of stock worldwide during the pandemic and despite our best efforts in such cases, medication may be unavailable. While we are working hard to anticipate inventory needs and secure difficult to source products as the second wave of Covid-19 is spreading, we are mindful that we cannot anticipate and adjust for every circumstance
Please Help Us Help You
So please help us help you to get your medications to you. The best thing you can do to help secure inventory for your medications is to order well in advance. This gives us more time, if necessary, to procure what might be difficult to source inventory and get it shipped to you well before you are going to run out of your supply at home. We encourage customers who may need medications in the coming months to place their orders now.
With more than 375,000 customer reviews, NorthWestPharmacy.com is the most reviewed and independently five-star rated online pharmacy in the world providing lower cost medications from abroad to customers worldwide. Nobody offering safe and affordable pharmaceuticals from abroad can match our supply and delivery capacity during this difficult time so please be assured we are successfully leveraging all our capacity and ensuring orders reach customers as fast as possible in the circumstances.

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