October 2021 - Newsletter #3
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Your Medications and “The Everything Shortage”
Don’t miss our Dr. Brynna Connor’s latest on superfoods that promote gut health, the signs, symptoms and treatment of hypothyroidism and the causes and treatments of restless sleep.
An advocacy group supporting personal prescription drug importation says the U.S. Administration’s plan to combat high drug prices “misses the mark”.
Please do post about us on your social media accounts or forward our new digital booklet to your friends and family who may want to save money on their prescription drugs. A larger customer base grows our volume buying power and reduces our cost of overhead per customer to help keep costs lower for everyone. We sincerely appreciate your continued support!
Our recent newsletters remind customers that some “basic essential medications have been in short supply … for more than a year”, drug shortages are predicted to worsen and driver and fuel shortages are wreaking havoc on the delivery of pharmaceuticals to pharmacies in the United Kingdom. Those newsletters also explain the advantage our customers have when it comes to drug shortages.
“But when I asked a pharmacist to fill some very common prescriptions, he told me the store had run out.”
Drug shortages appear to be just one example of a broader problem in supply chains generally, which is causing what The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson calls, “The Everything Shortage”.
He says:
Is it just me, or does it feel like America is running out of everything?
I visited CVS last week to pick up some at-home COVID-19 tests. They’d been sold out for a week, an employee told me. So I asked about paper towels. “We’re out of those too,” he said. “Try Walgreens.” I drove to a Walgreens that had paper towels. But when I asked a pharmacist to fill some very common prescriptions, he told me the store had run out. “Try the Target up the road,” he suggested. Target’s pharmacy had the meds, but its front area was alarmingly barren, like the canned-food section of a grocery store one hour before a hurricane makes landfall.
Mr. Thompson laments that, “The Everything Shortage is not the result of one big bottleneck in, say, Vietnamese factories or the American trucking industry. We are running low on supplies of all kinds due to a veritable hydra of bottlenecks.” He explains that, “[e]very stage of this international assembly line [global supply chain] is breaking down in its own unique way”.
“Finally, as if [the other] slowdowns weren’t enough, there’s the mail.”
He discusses the postal system too:
Finally, as if [the other] slowdowns weren’t enough, there’s the mail. As of this month, the U.S. Postal Service is reducing its use of air transportation to save money. The USPS estimates that deliveries outside your local area will likely be delayed by one or two days. But as we’ve seen, relying on rail and truck means leaning on systems that are dealing with their own mess.
So Please Help Us Continue to Help You
Despite our robust sourcing capabilities and ample current inventory, we remain vigilant and persistent in securing prescription drug supplies because things can and do change very quickly when manufacturing issues arise, transportation systems in the drug supply chain falter, or demand for products spikes in various parts of the world. So, we ask our customers to please order in advance. This gives us more time to procure what might be difficult to source inventory and get it shipped to you well before you are going to run out of your supply at home.
This is even more important as the holiday season approaches because mail systems and customs can become backlogged during this period, which can extend delivery times, and especially during the pandemic.

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