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Does Otezla Cause Weight Loss?

speciality medications

October 15, 2024
Person standing on scale

Otezla—a psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis medication that leverages the active ingredient “apremilast”—comes with many benefits for people who have chronic inflammatory conditions. Since people with arthritis tend to need effective long-term management strategies, Otezla can come in handy because it works, and because it comes in a convenient tablet form.

Of course, there are a couple of catches to consider.

Otezla, like any other prescription medication, does come with a range of side effects. One such side effect is Otezla’s ability to prompt weight loss. Some patients may welcome this as a bonus; for others, this could be concerning or even dangerous.

(The other catch is Otezla’s high retail price—but we’ll get more into that in a moment.)

Before you start taking Otezla, it’s critical to understand what you’re signing up for. Being aware of Otezla’s effect on body weight can help you make the most informed possible decision regarding your care.

What is Otezla? An Overview

Otezla (apremilast) is a type of medication that works by inhibiting, or stopping, the action of an enzyme called “phosphodiesterase 4”, or PDE4. PDE4 is an important part of your body’s inflammatory process.

When PDE4 doesn’t work, or works much less, your body’s inflammatory response isn’t as powerful. Since psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are, in large parts, conditions that occur when your body’s inflammatory response is a little too strong or mismanaged, Otezla can help patients attain significant relief from the pain and comfort that these conditions cause.

In 2014, the FDA approved Otezla for the treatment of both active psoriatic arthritis and moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in the USA.

This was a big deal, since, at the time, the main methods patients had to control these conditions involved medications called “biologics,” which generally required high-maintenance injection or infusion for administration. Otezla’s easy-to-manage oral tablet dosage made it a much more convenient alternative.

As did the fact that it works well: Its reported efficacy rate in clinical trials is about 45%.

Let’s Take a Closer Look at Otezla’s Numbers

45% may sound like a decent efficacy rate, but the many trials that Otezla’s undergone have given us more stats to examine—particularly regarding weight loss associated with Otezla.

For example:

  • During Otezla’s clinical trials, researchers found that approximately 10-12% of patients who took Otezla lost between 5-10% of their weight.
  • Only 5% of patients given a placebo lost that much weight, which indicates that Otezla was associated with the increased weight loss.
  • About 2% of patients treated with Otezla lost more than 10% of their body weight, so more is possible—but that likely depends, at least to some degree, on your initial body weight.

And, Of Course, Let’s Examine Otezla’s Other Number (Its Cost)

Otezla is not a cheap drug.

Americans who want to benefit from Otezla’s efficacy and convenience may be asked to pay a staggering premium.

In the United States, the retail price for Otezla hovers around $5,000.00 per month.

Fortunately, you do have options. You can buy that same amount of brand-name Otezla through for about $700.00 for a typical month’s supply—or savings of up to 86%.

Doctor holding a notepad

What Are Otezla’s Side Effects?

We know that Otezla may cause weight loss. Are there other side effects that you should know about before starting this drug?

Here are the most common known side effects of Otezla:

  • Gastrointestinal issues like abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Mood changes, like anxiety and depression

Otezla is relatively well-tolerated, and any side effects that you do experience should be minimal, easy to mitigate, or go away as your body gets used to your new medication.

Otezla Mild vs. Severe Side Effects

That said, if you do experience side effects that are severe or don’t go away, you need to know what those mean—and when it’s time to go talk to a professional.

The severe side effects of Otezla mainly include heightened, more dangerous versions of Otezla’s mild side effects, such as severe diarrhea or vomiting, major depression, severe allergic reactions, or otherwise unexplained and dramatic weight loss.

If you’re experiencing any of these side effects or others that you can connect to your Otezla usage, talk to your doctor at once.

Do not stop taking Otezla abruptly or without medical supervision, as that can lead to heightened symptoms.

Otezla and Weight Loss: What Does the Research Say?

Let’s get back to weight loss. We’ve seen that weight loss is a potential side effect of Otezla, but it may not affect everyone—and it may only result in relatively minimal weight loss.

Of course, for people who are already at a healthy weight or who are underweight, Otezla weight loss can be a cause for concern.

Since the majority of patients on Otezla do not experience significant weight loss, unless you are extremely averse to losing any weight at all, there’s a good chance that Otezla may work well for you. Your physician may simply recommend that you and your healthcare team monitor your weight very closely, and, if it seems like you’re losing weight too rapidly, consider an alternate treatment.

How Does Otezla Cause Weight Loss?

There are a few different ways that Otezla could be causing weight loss.

One prevalent theory involves Otezla’s other side effects.

Consider the list we provided above, which includes such side effects as diarrhea and nausea. It may make sense from a practical standpoint that a patient who is suffering diarrhea or nausea may not eat as much in the first place or lose a significant amount of water weight. These conditions can also lead to poor nutrient absorption.

It’s also been theorized that use of Otezla leads to an altered metabolism, but we don’t have proof for that quite yet.

The mood changes—anxiety, depression—associated with Otezla may also affect a patient’s interest in eating and, therefore, their body weight.

Whether you consider weight loss a fringe benefit or something to be worried about, it’s important to consider Otezla’s effect on your mental health, metabolism, and daily quality of life.

Talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have before you start this drug, and if you have any questions as your body begins to get used to this new medication.

Understanding the Risks: When Is Otezla-Related Weight Loss Concerning?

Perhaps you’re one of the people who might consider Otezla weight loss a benefit rather than a concern—great.

However, this does not mean that Otezla weight loss is universally a good thing, or something you should ignore (or celebrate) entirely.

When you start taking Otezla, your doctor will work with you to establish potential weight loss ranges that are acceptable. Then, after you start taking the medication, it may be worth keeping a close eye on your weight. If it is not a drain on your mental health to do so, consistent weigh-ins can help you know whether the drug is causing you to lose weight.

Whether you’re excited for weight loss or not, losing more than 5% of your total body weight within a small period of time can be a big shock on your body.

Let’s say, for example, that a person who weighs 150 pounds loses 7.5 pounds in a few weeks. That could lead to or signal nutritional deficiencies, loss of muscle, and even a weakened immune system.

Regardless of your stance on weight loss, keep an eye out for mood changes, gastrointestinal issues, or even a decrease in your energy (e.g., weakness or fatigue).

These, when seen in conjunction with rapid weight loss, could mean that it’s time to consider an alternative treatment. Your doctor will be able to help you analyze your experience and determine your best steps forward.

Here’s What to Do if You Do Experience Weight Loss On Otezla

Realizing that you’re rapidly losing weight while taking Otezla can be stressful. If you’ve noticed that your clothes are roomier or that the scale seems to be trending downward, consider taking these steps to promote healthy weight management.

First things first: Take a quick scan of your diet. Have you been eating enough food, and has your diet been varied or full of nutrient-dense foods?

If not, it’s likely time to pick up some nuts, lean proteins, and avocados to make sure you can maintain your weight. It may also be worth increasing your protein intake, which can help you preserve muscle mass, or even speak to a dietitian to give you personalized advice based on your unique nutritional needs.

Your healthcare team can help you find a professional who can help you thrive!

Prioritizing your regular health check-ups and making sure you get your bloodwork done on time can also help you stay ahead of any unhelpful or too-fast weight loss.

Don’t view these appointments as formalities or frustrations—instead, take advantage of them, as key touchpoints to help you get the most out of your treatment.

Person holding tablet packs

Alternatives to Otezla: Exploring Other Treatment Options

Are there alternatives to Otezla?

Yes, there are. Otezla was neither the first nor the last medication formulated for the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Depending on your symptoms and health goals, you may be able to try other medications, including:

  • Biologic medications. Biologic medications are drugs that are derived from living cells. These medications can target specific parts of the immune system, and are often used to treat diseases like arthritis, psoriasis, and Crohn’s disease.

    Options may include Enbrel, Humira, and Stelara—but it’s always necessary to start these medication discussions with your doctor, first, before you make any decisions.

    Biologics are effective, but they do require specific care and administration protocols (often, injections). Otezla may be a more cost-effective and convenient option, depending on your needs and where you get it.

  • DMARDs, or traditional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. These drugs don’t tend to cause weight loss but are effective for psoriasis and arthritis.

    Methotrexate and sulfasalazine are common examples. If you and your doctor opt for this type of medication, watch out for side effects such as bone marrow suppression and liver toxicity.

There are also a series of lifestyle modifications that may be helpful for treating your condition. For example, you may consider…

  • An anti-inflammatory diet (insofar as it’s available to you). Prioritizing certain foods, like omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, and vegetables, can help reduce flare-ups.

    As Dr. Brynna Connor, M.D., a board-certified family medicine physician who specializes in regenerative medicine, says: “Whether you’re trying to improve current joint conditions or protect against future problems, following a healthy diet can keep you on track. Experts have found that certain nutrient-rich superfoods may help relieve or prevent joint symptoms.”

  • Moving your body on a regular basis. You don’t have to become a marathon runner, but just incorporating some version of physical activity regularly into your life can reduce stiffness and improve your joint function.

  • Finding a way that works for you to manage your stress. We often underestimate the power that stress can have in our lives. Figuring out an effective method to keep it in check can be one of the best ways to increase your quality of life.

    This will likely be unique to you. Yoga isn’t for everyone; neither is meditation!

    Funny videos, good books, and short naps are also good ways to reduce stress.

If you’re able to pair your safe use of prescription medication with stress management techniques, a balanced diet, and regular exercise, you stand a very good chance of keeping your condition managed.

Ready to Make Informed Decisions About Otezla and Weight Loss?

Patients who seek a convenient, effective way to manage their psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis should have all the information they need to make the best plans for their care.

They should also be able to afford their medications without relying on manufacturer assistance or playing a frustrating insurance game every single month. If you or a loved one is interested in the benefits Otezla brings, we’re here to help you buy that brand-name Otezla medication for reliably low prices.

Through, a CIPA-approved online pharmacy website, you can buy many prescription medications, Otezla included, for less! Check out our Otezla medication page to get started with your order.

Our team looks forward to supporting you as you pursue optimal healthcare!

The information provided on the website is intended to facilitate awareness about healthcare products and medical conditions generally but it is not a substitute for professional medical attention or advice. You should always speak with a qualified healthcare practitioner before taking any prescription or non-prescription drug.
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